07/18/2011 - The Start of Baby Day

I woke up this morning at 3:30 and was feeling a little crampy so around 6:00 or so I called the Dr and he said to go to the hospital just to get checked out.

I was so sure that the hospital would tell me that I was just having false labor so I didn't even take a shower. I just put some clothes on and jumped in the car thinking that I would get checked out, then go back home and get ready for work.

I get to the hospital around 7am and they began to check to see if my water was leaking....I DIDN'T THINK SO, but to my suprise when the nurse came back in she said "Ok Lindsay today is BABY day".....I was so shocked that I began to cry.

I called Brad to let him know that I was not going to be leaving the hospital without our baby boy....I think he was even shocked.

Since my water was only leaking a tiny bit and I was only dilated to a 2 the nurses started pitocin to get the contraction going to get me into full blown labor....

Brad got to the hospital around noon, since I didn't think that I was going to have a baby today I did not pack a bag so Brad went home and had to get everything (the long list of what i told him) He did perfect...didn't forget a thing.

Around 2 or 3 in the afternoon I started to get uncomfortable with some of the contractions....around 4 or 5 I decided it was time to get my epidural.

I was terrified of getting the epidural but to my surprise after it was all said and done, it wasn't bad at all and I couldn't feel my contractions at all.

Baby Cooper decided to take his time on gracing us with his presence.....between 10 or 11pm and until he was born I was cranky and done and would have paid the nurse a million dollars just to go in there and pull him out.

Once it was time to push I only had to push for about 30 minutes with the nurse and then the Dr came in a within 2 pushes out came baby COOPER.

Cooper was born at 1:50am and was perfect. I have never felt so much love in my heart...I had my baby boy in my arms and the man I adore and love right next to me.

Baby Cooper weighted 7lbs 8.8 oz was 20.5 inches and cute as a button!!!!

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